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► An Introduction to Salmon Farming in Scotland              ► Fish Farms proposed for sea lochs in South Skye
Loch Eishort

“I try to show both sides but—I freely admit—I have a point of view
deriving from my assessment of the weight of the evidence.”
– Carl Sagan


HOLES – Scotland's Salmon Sewage Scandal


To purchase a copy for only £3 (with a glossy cover
and conveniently formatted for real-time reading),
please click on the picture of the book to be whisked 
way to Amazon.co.uk. [
Also from Amazon.com]



HOLES is a critical examination of the salmon farming industry in Scotland. Pollution, pests and diseases, poor documentation and other detrimental impacts are examined. Special reference is made to applications for planning permission in which, during public consultations, we are able to have our say in the matter. This pre-publication edition was prepared to meet the need for public information for use by local people who will be commenting on fish farm planning applications during imminent public consultations. It is hoped to find a publisher to take on a new, updated, expanded version, making this vital, but poorly understood, information available to a wider audience.


► An Introduction to Salmon Farming in Scotland              ► Fish Farms proposed for sea lochs in South Skye
Loch Eishort








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