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Pure Salmon Campaign
Salmon & Trout Association
Salmon & Trout Association (Scotland)
Farmed and Dangerous
Atlantic Salmon Trust

FISHupdate - Aquaculture

Not much here yet, but keep watching - they're building a
huge land-based, contained salmon farm at Tayinloan in Argyll.

Skye Marine Concern

Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture
Scotland's Aquaculture
SEPA  -Marine Aquaculture
SNH - Marine Aquaculture
Scottish Government - Marine Aquaculture
Marine Scotland Science - Marine Aquaculture
Rob Edwards - environmental news & comment (search: salmon)

Skye & Lochalsh Environment Forum: Statement on Fish Farming in Skye & Lochalsh
Fish Farms & Aquaculture - An Taisce, The National Trust For Ireland
The Perfect Protein Book and Radio Conversation



Pure Salmon Campaign
Farmed Salmon Exposed (Part 1)
Farmed Salmon Exposed (Part 2)
Farmed Salmon Exposed (Part 3)
Farmed Salmon Exposed (Part 4)

Documentary about salmon farms in Canada

The Life Cycle of the Atlantic Salmon

Wild Salmon in Trouble (about sea lice)

Greed of Feed: what's feeding our cheap farmed salmon? Ecologist

Farmed Salmon: Unhealthy and Unsustainable - OceanFuturesSociety

Closed Containment
Closed containment - The future of fish farming
Aquaculture system promises eco-friendly fish farming future
Superior Aquaculture
Grow Fish Anywhere


closed-containment aquaculture + hydroponics, using fish manure to grow fruit and veg.
So many good ideas, so much to explore - get Googling!






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