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  • Eishort 2 14/02577/FUL Three new documents have been uploaded to the planning website
  • EISHORT 1 TO 'GO LIVE' Eishort 1 14/02574/FUL We have it on excellent authority that Hjaltland Seafarms intend to go ahead with Eishort 1, the site adjacent to the refused Loch Slapin site. The proposed site, south of Suisnish below Carn Dearg, is almost identical to that at Stac Suisnish just around the corner in Loch Slapin so, logically, the same refusal criteria should apply. In addition, it is only 2 km at most distant from priority habitats maerl beds and seagrass beds, which the scientific literature [FULL LIST & LATEST] tells us are subtly yet significantly harmed if inundated with increased dissolved nutrient loads from e.g. salmon excrement.

    TIMINGS It is likely that Public Consultation on Eishort 1 will open hot on the heels of Eishort 2 that we are dealing with at the moment: Friday 24 October, closing 21 November (Decison date 16 December).



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